The uncommon wisdom of George Melloan.
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all;By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy;
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work, you die."
—Rudyard Kipling
In a couple of days, the Senate will give its 60 ayes to the largest expansion of government since the Great Society. The Obama administration is proposing a third round of fiscal stimulus, because the first two worked so well. And Ben Bernanke is, without irony, Time's Person of the Year.
All of which is a reminder that, unlike vampires, there's no driving a stake through the heart of a bad idea. Karl Marx will always be with us, at least at the New Yorker. So will Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the patron saint of environmentalists even if they don't know it. And so will John Maynard Keynes, godfather of Obamanomics. History is only repeated as farce to those who either have forgotten it or enjoy the sick humor of a disaster foretold.
Then again, as George Melloan reminds us in "The Great Money Binge: Spending Our Way to Socialism," just as bad ideas never quite go out of fashion, neither do good ones. Readers looking for an antidote to this season's political gloom will find more than the full dose in this splendid book.
Mr. Melloan was, of course, the writer of this column for many years, one of the labors in a career at the Journal that spanned 54 years as a reporter, editor and commentator. Among the benefits of a long career is a long memory and an imperviousness to intellectual fads. In Kipling's terms, he is one of the Gods of the Copybook Headings—the unfashionable keepers of hard truths about which we must occasionally be reminded.
"Demand-side economics holds that the economy derives its momentum from consumption, and it is of little moment if that consumption is financed by credit," he writes. "But if that were true, everyone could merrily use his credit card to supply his wants and never have to work. Maybe there's a logical flaw there somewhere."
The great strength of Mr. Melloan's book is to show, in exacting detail, not only how we came to our current crisis—thank you, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Alan Greenspan and Tom DeLay—but where that logical flaw is destined to take us again.
The alternative is supply-side economics, which, for all the invective heaped upon it, boils down to the inescapable fact that "consumption must be paid for with production"—that if you don't work (i.e., produce) you die (i.e., can't consume). The obviousness of this is so manifest that the real wonder is how it has escaped the grasp of otherwise intellectually competent people.
Perhaps more interesting is how it didn't escape the grasp of Mr. Melloan, one of whose principal achievements was his role—along with the late Bob Bartley—in turning the Journal's editorial pages into the great disseminator of supply-side thinking. Mr. Melloan chalks it up to his background as the son of an Indiana yeoman farmer for whom there was nothing abstract about the words property, production and market. "We Journal editors were a rather proletarian lot to be promoting capitalism," he writes. "We were not the voice of big business, as our critics glibly called us at the time, but exponents of free-market capitalism, an economic system that allows any individual to build a business and compete with the big boys. The two things are definitely not the same."
But what Mr. Melloan doesn't say is that he is also an heir to the antisophistic tradition of Western philosophy—stretching from Socrates to Paul to William of Ockham to Jean-Baptiste Say to Karl Popper—that insisted that truth was more likely to be found in simplicity than complexity. No surprise, sophists of every age have attacked this tradition (sophistically) as "simplistic," and people like Mr. Melloan have had to endure it.
Yesterday, President Obama made the remarkable observation that "we can't continue to spend as if deficits don't have consequences, as if waste doesn't matter, as if the hard earned tax dollars of the American people can be treated like Monopoly money." Maybe he's finally learned, as Kipling taught,
That after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing, and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
Then again, maybe the president finally got around to reading George Melloan.
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