Monday, November 9, 2009

Obama proclaims himself “job savior” amid widespread cynicism...(created at least 1 million jobs!)

In what some see as tongue-in-cheek rhetoric and others see as downright deception, the Obama administration has declared that the $787 billion stimulus bill saved or created some 650,000 jobs by the end of last month.
In what has almost become a running joke and sure fodder for a potential Saturday Night Live TV skit, the ruling czar-laced regime continues to tout imagined “air jobs” recreated in the face of the fact that the economy has lost 1.3 million jobs since the president was elected. Yet, Obama’s starry-eyed disciplines go on to say that government and private forecasters estimate that Recovery Act spending has saved and created at least 1 million jobs!
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests a much grimmer reality with figures of about 3.3 million jobs eliminated since the stimulus act passed.
Steven J. Davis, a University of Chicago economist professor, tows the administration line by saying that it may be too early to talk about job creation (so when’s the right time?). Yet he does admit that President Obama has muddied the picture by inventing a new standard to measure success.
Tony Fratto, former Bush White House spokesman, was much stronger with his take on supposed jobs saved out of thin air. He sees the job-saving farce as a “breathtaking deception” and is appalled by the “gullibility of the Washington press corps” for reporting Obama’s claims with a straight face.
As the American public continues to grow poorer, spend less, see more freedoms lost and become increasingly restless, it still is being asked to stretch its willing suspension of belief beyond all limits. One wonders just how long the reality-challenged news media can continue to drink the communion wine and eat the bitter wafers of their newest political god.

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